Thursday, September 8, 2011

Update: Martha Coakley Certifies 9/11 Ballot Initiative

Boston, Ma - Attorney General Martha Coakley certified the 9/11 ballot initiative for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on Wednesday.  Media coverage of this unprecedented success is virtually non-existent.

The Boston Globe's article today regarding Martha Coakley's ballot decisions failed even to mention the historic 9/11 ballot initiative, even as the media prepares for a weekend of 10th anniversary coverage.

The official media contact for the 9/11 Commission Campaign in Massachusetts reported that "not a single one of the fifty news outlets we alerted (twice) has contacted us for a single interview with Senator Gravel or the Honorable Cynthia McKinney. Our campaign is being blacked out."

Will the media be able to ignore Cynthia McKinney and Senator Gravel on the steps of the Massachusetts State House on September 13th?  Stay tuned.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Breaking: Martha Coakley Mulls Statewide 9/11 Ballot Initiative

Boston, MA - U.S. Senator and potential 2012 presidential candidate Mike Gravel is reportedly preparing a major announcement about the September 11th attacks to be made on the steps of the Massachusetts State House at 11:00 am on September 13th, just two days after the tenth anniversary of 9/11. He will be joined by the Honorable US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Both are strong critics of the official 9/11 narrative and the Bush and Obama administrations.

The exact nature of Gravel's 9/11 announcement is being withheld pending a decision by Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley, due any day. Coakley holds in her hands the fate of the "9/11: Never Forget" 2012 ballot question, filed by Massachusetts residents on August 1st, which will determine whether Massachusetts voters and 9/11 family members will succeed in their 10-year quest for a full and proper investigation into the attacks of 9/11.

Will Coakley, who lost her Senate bid against Scott Brown in a special election to replace the late Senator Edward Kennedy, allow the question to go on the ballot or will she kill it before voters ever have a chance to see it?

Observers say that Coakley's stamp of approval on a real 9/11 inquiry would risk her political career, as she would be openly defying President Barack Obama, the titular head of her own party, who recently warned Americans against expressing even small doubts about the official 9/11 conspiracy theory in which 19 amateurs armed with box cutters somehow outfoxed the entire US and NATO intelligence apparatus, along with the world’s most sophisticated air defense system.

The tragic story of 9/11 began at Boston's Logan International Airport, where the two flights that struck the Twin Towers originated. There is no statute of limitations in homicide cases, so family advocates are expecting Coakely to release the initiative to voters.

Having learned valuable lessons from the original 9/11 Commission, which, according to its own chairmen Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, was "set up to fail," the new commission will be non-partisan and empowered to subpoena an extensive list of witnesses identified by the 9/11 Family Steering Committee who were never called to testify. The new commission would also investigate new information and witnesses that have surfaced since the 2004 release of the 9/11 Commission Report.

Frustrated by years of bureaucratic stonewalling, 9/11 family members say it is time to end what many are calling "the decade of deceit," referring to fanatical over-secrecy, over-classification of evidence, and even blatant lies told to them and the American people about the events of that terrible day. They want answers and they say the time to get them is now, while key witnesses are still alive.

Indeed, important questions still fester. How could America's highly competent air defenses have failed so perfectly that day? Government whistleblowers from the CIA and the FBI say answers to these and other important questions would help quell wild conspiracy theories, and more importantly, help prevent catastrophic defense failures like 9/11 in the future.

Senator Gravel's historic Beacon Hill announcement on September 13th will be followed by meetings with Governor Deval Patrick and members of the state legislature, which will be required by the state constitution to vote "Yes" or "No" on creation of the real commission next spring - unless Coakley succumbs to political pressure and stops voters from ever seeing it.

"What we are bringing forward is full disclosure on 9/11," said initiative endorser Rich McCampbell of Milton. "Because the 9/11 families and the American people have a right to know the full facts, and because those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

Endorser Susan Serpa of Worcester said, "Never forget 9/11; that's what this campaign is all about, and that's what Senator Gravel and Massachusetts voters will be doing at the State House this September 13th," adding, "I believe Martha Coakley will allow justice to be pursued in this case. She is a good Democrat who will stand up for the people's rights."

See the Official Campaign Press Release for Senator Mike Gravel's Statewide 9/11 Massachusetts Ballot Initiative here: